forgiveness is…
Forgiveness is first an act of your will and then your emotions will follow.
Forgiveness is the key that unlocks or sets free; releases resentment and bitterness.
Forgiveness is giving up the hope and thought that the past could or should have been different.
Forgiveness is a tool God gave to restore relationships or liberate you from - who, when and where.
Forgiveness is a gift from God that will put distance between you and the influence of the offender.
forgiveness will...
Forgiveness will help you forget the name of the offender.
Forgiveness will help you forget the memory of the offense.
forgiveness and liberty…
Forgiveness liberates you from three dimensions; what happened - when it happened - whom it happened with.
God will always liberate you from the grip of the offender and take care of the debt if you are willing to forgive the offense.
Unforgiveness is a spirit that will let you hurt others rather than be delivered.
Unforgiveness separates you from yourself and binds you to the event, date, time, people and or person who offended you.
Unforgiveness leads to anger, anger leads to sin, sin leads to wrath, and wrath lead to hate, and hate will corrupt your faith and blind you from seeing the course to your glorious destiny.
forgiveness is…
Forgiveness is first an act of your will and then your emotions will follow.
Forgiveness is the key that unlocks or sets free; releases resentment and bitterness.
Forgiveness is giving up the hope and thought that the past could or should have been different.
Forgiveness is a tool God gave to restore relationships or liberate you from - who, when and where.
Forgiveness is a gift from God that will put distance between you and the influence of the offender.
forgiveness will...
Forgiveness will help you forget the name of the offender.
Forgiveness will help you forget the memory of the offense.
forgiveness and liberty…
Forgiveness liberates you from three dimensions; what happened - when it happened - whom it happened with.
God will always liberate you from the grip of the offender and take care of the debt if you are willing to forgive the offense.
Unforgiveness is a spirit that will let you hurt others rather than be delivered.
Unforgiveness separates you from yourself and binds you to the event, date, time, people and or person who offended you.
Unforgiveness leads to anger, anger leads to sin, sin leads to wrath, and wrath lead to hate, and hate will corrupt your faith and blind you from seeing the course to your glorious destiny.