bondage is…
Bondage is subjugation or enslavement; captivity; thralldom; yoke; duress.
Bondage is to be shut in; kept within bounds, severely restricted, hemmed or caged in by fear.
Bondage is confinement or to drastically limit the space, area or place of control and influence.
Bondage is the imprisonment of ideas, dreams, visions, gifts and talents – restricted to a mediocre, unprofitable and unfulfilled life of mere survival or existence.
Bondage is being trapped or stuck; cornered; netted; hampered; burdened by the tedious or mind-numbing; stale, humdrum; tiresome; colorless; dead and unimaginative repetitious cycle of a job, paying bills, complaining, growing old and waiting to die.
Bondage is being under an obligation or to be constrained with legal authority; wrapped around with something, to be ignorantly or unwillingly enclosed or covered; fastened round about; tied together; caused to stick together or to be taken up and held.
Bondage is being formed and then conformed and put into a cohesive and controllable mass - to be hampered from free movement or natural action; to become hindered from free operation; to exert a restraining or compelling effect.
bondage and discouragement...
A protracted or prolonged; interminable; long-drawn; never-ending stay in the valley of bondage births a state of utter discouragement that renders the ground of your heart incapable of receiving and growing the seed of faith.
Bondage is a potent tool deployed by the enemy to nurture the weeds of discouragement thereby guaranteeing an abundant harvest of sorrow, despair, frustration and hopelessness.
Where bondage reigns, discouragement becomes the governor and a state of hopelessness, frustration and utter dejection which manifests in inexplicable greed, ineffable corruption and gross mismanagement of resources emerge.
Wherever complaining lurks, irresponsibility blossoms, corruption thrives and greed flourishes, it is incontrovertible evidence that the residue of bondage is still present and discouragement has been crowned governor.
bondage is…
Bondage is subjugation or enslavement; captivity; thralldom; yoke; duress.
Bondage is to be shut in; kept within bounds, severely restricted, hemmed or caged in by fear.
Bondage is confinement or to drastically limit the space, area or place of control and influence.
Bondage is the imprisonment of ideas, dreams, visions, gifts and talents – restricted to a mediocre, unprofitable and unfulfilled life of mere survival or existence.
Bondage is being trapped or stuck; cornered; netted; hampered; burdened by the tedious or mind-numbing; stale, humdrum; tiresome; colorless; dead and unimaginative repetitious cycle of a job, paying bills, complaining, growing old and waiting to die.
Bondage is being under an obligation or to be constrained with legal authority; wrapped around with something, to be ignorantly or unwillingly enclosed or covered; fastened round about; tied together; caused to stick together or to be taken up and held.
Bondage is being formed and then conformed and put into a cohesive and controllable mass - to be hampered from free movement or natural action; to become hindered from free operation; to exert a restraining or compelling effect.
bondage and discouragement...
A protracted or prolonged; interminable; long-drawn; never-ending stay in the valley of bondage births a state of utter discouragement that renders the ground of your heart incapable of receiving and growing the seed of faith.
Bondage is a potent tool deployed by the enemy to nurture the weeds of discouragement thereby guaranteeing an abundant harvest of sorrow, despair, frustration and hopelessness.
Where bondage reigns, discouragement becomes the governor and a state of hopelessness, frustration and utter dejection which manifests in inexplicable greed, ineffable corruption and gross mismanagement of resources emerge.
Wherever complaining lurks, irresponsibility blossoms, corruption thrives and greed flourishes, it is incontrovertible evidence that the residue of bondage is still present and discouragement has been crowned governor.